Monday, December 30, 2013

Always treat the one you love with the utmost respect

     When one of my son's was just the tender age of twelve he had the misfortune to think he was in love. The girl, a game player and a simple minded creature, liked to play games with him. She would call out of the blue, telling him all the boys who had an interest in her, and how she should not be "tied down" to one boy. (Twelve, rolls eyes) These calls really hurt my son terribly, and it angered me because I thought I had given my son's the tools to avoid such silliness.
    After one of these calls I sat down with my son and explained the rules of "the game" this girl was playing. Her power was that he cared enough to think her words were true. He could have that power, and take away what ever hold she had on him if he answered correctly the next time she played this game.
     It wasn't but that very afternoon she called again with her hurtful words, and her girlfriends gathered around to listen to my son's anguish. My son followed my instructions to a "T". She said it was time she moved on as so many boys wanted to be with her. My son answered, you are right and I have girls waiting, I think we should break up right now, and he hung up.
    As some of you have guessed my phone blew up with her begging him not to break up with her, and lots of tears. Ahh, but as I predicted once he understood her game, she lost her charm. The spell was broken, and the power was now all in my son's hands, just as it should be. When you love someone you give them the utmost respect. Respect yourself, love yourself, and true love will find you.

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