Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How Strong is your hate?

     Do you twitter?

   I have recently seen a escalation bullying, hatred, and voyeurism of those that enjoy watching both. Most people don't have time for the kind of hate I have seen lately, and even less of us who take time for the full time job of being a bully. It really doesn't take much to find such sport on twitter, and once you find it, it's nearly impossible to get away from.
   Yes I found it, and yes it is hard to get away from. Even harder when people you have twittered with for a very long time get sucked so far down into either of the two I have mentioned, or a strong passion for politics that it consumes them. The fun, the wit, and the friendly banter slowly dissipates as your conversation deepens, and soon they are digress back to the negative, or pull you into conversation you had not anticipated.
    I don't know what it would do to most, but for me it's draining. By the time you log off you have a dark cloud over you that is hard to shake. I have tried very hard for a balance in my life to keep my outlook positive. Yes I take time to watch the news, and even get angry at many things going on. My view on politics is not shakeable, I like to think of myself as universal and independent in all things. Where I may debate you in person, it's nearly impossible to do this in an adult manner on twitter. Why is that? It's an easy answer.
     Many hide behind screen names where what they say can not truly come back to bite them in the ass. In real life they might very well have a keen intellect, with gracious manner, on line they are rude, belligerent and hateful. They do not want a conversation or a debate, they want to be right.

    “Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners”
     ~Laurence Sterne~

  A wonderful quote but alas, the Internet has killed both our morals and our manners. People behind screen names have no need to respect you, or your views, they are not held accountable for the lack of either.

     I myself rarely express my political views on twitter because they are mine, and I see no reason to put them out there to be bullied over.  In real life I am very active in local politics and very outspoken about national and world events. I see no reason to turn a polite conversation into a gutter fight with those I can not see, and will never know. Find the right (or should I say wrong) "person" on twitter and you can find yourself a target of excessive bullying.

    Some use their hate for trolling. That is finding someone to fight with, bully, and degrade. Sometimes it leads to much more serious actions that can find a person in federal prison.  My advice is to not engage these people ignore at all costs. If you feel you have to respond... I find Thumper said it best "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all".

     Yes there are thousands of such people on twitter, and all of them will drag you down. I do not understand anyone so consumed with such negativity that they carry on all day and all night. If they really wanted to change the world you wouldn't find them on twitter all the day round. All they really want to do is shove their views down the throats of the unwilling.

    I have found myself in territory I am not comfortable with, with people who used to make me comfortable. I am saddened the fun has gone out of conversation and friendship. Where as I respect their views, I am not one that can run a verbal marathon in agreement or the polar. Sometimes you just need to turn off the damn twitter and get on with life. If you get caught up in any of this, remember where your log off button is.

What you need to ask yourself is....How strong is your hate?